Specialized Student Allies is dedicated to fostering an inclusive educational environment. Led by Krystal Taylor, our advocacy services prioritize the unique needs of students in special education, ensuring they receive the support required for academic success and personal growth. We believe in empowering every student to reach their full potential through individualized, compassionate advocacy.
The company's mission is to empower both students and their support networks, advocating for an inclusive and supportive educational experience.
The vision for Specialized Student Allies is to be a leading force in transforming the landscape of special education advocacy. The company aspires to create a future where every student, regardless of their unique needs, has equal access to quality education and support. By being at the forefront of innovative advocacy services, the vision includes fostering a culture of inclusivity within educational institutions, empowering students to thrive, and influencing positive systemic changes in the field of special education. Specialized Student Allies envisions a world where advocacy not only addresses individual needs but also contributes to a more equitable and supportive educational environment for all.
Who is Krystal Taylor?
Krystal has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education as well as a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Behavior Analysis. As a former classroom teacher and behavior therapist, Krystal offers a unique view of special education meetings and services. She can help parents understand the educational jargon and feel less intimidated walking into an IEP/504 meeting. She can also discuss limitations of schools and how much they are capable of. When going through the IEP process with her own son, she learned a lot about the emotional toll that these documents and meetings takes on parents and caregivers. It is her goal to make sure all parents feel represented and can get their questions answered without feeling intimidated.
Who is Krystal Taylor?
When not working, Krystal is busy chasing around her two boys, Brooks and Luke. Together with her husband, Jesse, they enjoy biking, exploring, and watching the boys experience new things. They bring so much joy and watching them learn and grow has been amazing.